>Do not change clothing except at desig-
nated dressing/changing rooms.
Changing in the toilets is strictly
>Do not bring in the following items. If
you are found to be in possession of
any of the following items, they will be
confiscated and will not be returned.
#Any items whose possession
is prohibited Japanese law,
and/or items being trans-
ported in an illegal manner.
#Weapons and/or anything resem-
bling any kind of weapon.
#Anything longer than 30 cm
(1 foot) in length.
#Accessories that have pointed
#Any loose athletic equipment
(i.e. balls, Frisbees, bows
and arrows, etc.)
#People-carrying vehicles such
as bicycles, unicycles, skate-
boards, rollerskates,etc.
#Any easily flammable item.
#Alcoholic beverages, animals,
and electrical generators.
#Any device designed produce
loud sounds (i.e. musical
instruments, boom boxes,
portable radios with speakers,
#Any other items deemed danger-
ous by the Comiket staff.
Disaster Prevention Rules
DO NOT sit down or place luggage,
books, drinks, etc. near firefighting
equipment or emergency exits.
These areas are demarcated by red
tape on the floor.Furthermore, do
not leave baggage unattended any-
where within the premises.
If you come across a suspicious
object,please inform Comiket staff
or a security guard immediately.
Rules and Guidelines
for Attendees
New to the Comic Market
>We recommend that first time at-
tendees come to the Comic Market
in the afternoon in order to
avoid long lines.
>Please use public transportation,
such as trains or buses.
>Taking photographs of people in
cosplay is limited to the costume-
play public square. Always get per-
mission from the cosplayer before
taking their picture.
>You may only change at the designated
dressing/changing room. If you wish
to cosplay,
you must register at the dress-
ing room. (The dressing room is
located at Conference Tower.)
Registration will cost \800.
Please be aware that cosplay and
masquerading have yet to be widely
accepted in mainstream Japanese
society. Do not come to or leave
the Comiket wearing a costume.